Friday, August 21, 2009

boys are lazy than you agree??

yeah......i'm truly not agreed with that statement...but, i'm also a lazy person...if we look at the surround,many universities are graduates by females....for example at uitm dungun,the numbers of male are less than female..the prove is about their hostel..females got a lot of hostel at uitm if we compare with male.....for male,they only have two i'm here and i dont want to talk too i want to touch about the our topic...boys?what did you guys know about boys especially for girls...?boys is actually a leader of everything...but then,the girls actually did not know what is about boy's background...i really get tired with all this...although,the boys are like to do their works at last minute,but they did all by getting benefit..unless,they can learn how to manage their time...besides that,they would be regret by their me because boys only care about getting laid....they dont care about much else..if you look at a guy carefully,you will see he is perving on someone..there have no statistics that says boys are lazier than girls..i have seen some more really lazy girl..the only reason most of them look busier is because they are shopping for their clothes,trying to show up their new clothes to attract guys and it is been that way for generations....not all the boys are same because some of boys can do more than what are girls actually can i give some example of that..most of girls are aspect that works of boys are really diffcult to do for them..there is already prove that boys is not lazier..i would like to fight back the statement above,..boys now have an increase percentage of students and graduates in higher education now...besides that,most of business majority are hold by man..boys are only less able to,boys are emotionally affected which further inhibits their learning and boys less likely to feel they can continue their formal education in the future..lastly,my reason is the emotional scars stay with them throughout life.....that is all my lovely lecturer mizz syaz and my fellow comment it aite..

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