i name is mohd nadzrin b. nazlan and i wish that all of you can call me the reason of why my nickname must be like is because,i love the japanese style...therefore,i was born at kota bharu kelantan...the date of my birth is on october 20....
By the way,i have a lot of thing to share with all of you.....i did this because this is my first task...the first thing that i would like to share is i love to do something or work at last is because i have a lot of freetime...usually,i spent my time by hang out with my friends which is i never thought that all what i did is wasted my time actually...but,the point what i am going to tell is i wish that i can change myself and aspect that 'time' is gold..somebody will never can buy the time although we have a lot of money..the next thing is about my background..i have four siblings and i am the third one.....yeah,would you like to eat seafood???yep,i did love it so much because that is my favourite food...My favourite drink which is i love to drink is apple juice.....when i'm drinking it,i'll feels like peace.....the last thing that i want to tell is about my actual hobby!!i love to play golf actually becoz i started play it when i was 13 years dad was asked me to play it......but,,,it is been a long time ago......right now,my dad is busying by his that,i have no chance to be a like 'Tiger Wood'...that is all about myself....hopefully,you will be smile when you are reading about myself....aite!!thanks alot...