Thursday, September 24, 2009

The importance of internet

welcome to ladies and i would like to talk about the importance of internet..getting on internet is the most important thing that you will ever do..nowadays internet are most famous activity that we use to spent our time from doing unbenefit activity....
The most important manifestation about Internet’s revolution was its impact on communication. The days of snail-mail looked numbered, the moment Internet arrived on the scene. Since E-mail was accurate, reliable and convenient, it became the house hold phenomena.
Besides proving its utility as an effective communication tool, e-mail has also come of age as an interactive communication tool. Group users and Newsletters have now become a mean of getting one’s point of view across other person or group of people.
Over the Internet we deal with all aspects of data authentication, privacy, integrity, and verification for transactions. For example, credit card purchases via a World Wide Web browser require attention to Internet security issues. To ensure that the credit card number is not intercepted by an intruder or copied from the server where the number is stored, and to verify that the credit card number is actually sent by the person who claims to be sending it.At one level internet is identified with triviality and mediocrity, while at the other it is the best thing that have happened to mankind after the invention of wheel.
The most important manifestation about Internet’s revolution was its impact on communication. The days of snail-mail looked numbered, the moment Internet arrived on the scene. Since E-mail was accurate, reliable and convenient, it became the house hold phenomena.
Besides proving its utility as an effective communication tool, e-mail has also come of age as an interactive communication tool. Group users and Newsletters have now become a mean of getting one’s point of view across other person or group of people.
we do not waste our time if we know more about the internet but we can gain benefit in how importance of internet..therefore,internet is really important to students as they can spend their time wisely doing beneficial activity...